not now kitten mommy is ranting on her blog

IMPORTANT: i am not going to censor myself. i come here to vent my frustrations, not cater to dumb bitches online. if you read my entries and figure out i'm talking shit about you, too fucking bad, get over it. some of the content may be nsfw. if you're under 18 please click off this page and go find more kid-friendly activities such as browsing 4chan or something.

june 27 2024 00:27 i could probably style this page like a livejournal blog but honestly i don't really give a fuck if i wanted a proper blog i could just make a dreamwidth journal. but i don't.

ok let's talk about some shit i guess. i have an account on duolicious (huge red flag) and a few people messaged me. i usually skip people who are either too weird - surprising, i know, considering how much of a freak i am - but some people i do respond to. well anyway there was this guy who said i should be deported. i responded with "deport me yourself faggot" but really i should've said something like "and i think you should kys but you don't see me complaining". this app also reminded me of why i don't fuck with croats because there was this guy from croatia who i blocked because he was being very weird towards me :skull: like bro why would you randomly have e-sex with a freak you met A FEW HOURS AGO...that's not even the worst thing but i don't feel like talking about it tbh.

an oomfie on discord recommended me some games to play. i'm terrible at vidya but i still had fun. not much to talk about there because it's just fetish content but still

aahhh what's so hot here. oh actually wait tw*tter is showing me a lot of selfharm content like bitch i'm a recovering selfharmer i don't wanna see that. also eating disorder stuff. aaauuughhhhhh

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